Executive Networking GraphicIn today’s digital world, there are so many ways to go about your next job search. With LinkedIn, you can get introduced to influencers easier than ever before. Even Twitter and Instagram can be valuable tools to get you noticed. Long gone are the days of simply submitting a resume the old fashion way on crisp white paper. Even submitting your resume via a job board is a highly unlikely way of getting noticed. In fact, although the vast majority of job seekers use job boards to identify opportunities, only around 5 percent will land jobs directly through them. So how can you network your way into your next executive role? Read on for tips.

  1. Start by conducting an extensive targeting campaign

    Research the types of companies you would want to work for. Determine how your skills can help meet their challenges and needs.

  2. Develop Your Own Personal Brand

    Once you’ve determined the type of companies you want to target, it’s time to develop your own personal brand, one that differentiates your unique value from your competitors. This is not just a simple résumé. This includes a LinkedIn profile and a personal bio. If you’re using social media be sure what you’re putting out there must align with your brand. Recruiters, hiring managers, and potential employers can and will see what you’re talking about on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure you’re consistently putting your best virtual foot forward.

  3. Find the Right People

    Now that you’ve got a target list and your personal branding materials in place, it’s time to find the right people with whom to connect. Attend industry events at which you think you might run into the right people. Participate in Twitter chats or other virtual events that permit you to make meaningful connections. Finally, use LinkedIn to be introduced to the people you need to meet to get noticed. This includes executive recruiters, hiring managers, and even employees who can refer you. You might not know about an executive-level role that is open because it isn’t posted online, but networking with employees who have an inside track can sometimes put you in the right place at the right time.

  4. Develop a Personal Elevator Statement

    Finally, be ready to tell people exactly what you’re looking for by having your own personal elevator statement at hand – a two-to-three sentence overview of the kind of job you’re seeking, and, of course, what you can bring to this role. Those you are networking with can only help you if they know what you desire, so be sure you’re prepared next time you attend an event or connect with someone new on LinkedIn.

Networking is no longer something done in person at a pre-scheduled event. Take advantage of digital tools such as LinkedIn and carve out a few minutes of networking time each day. Even if you aren’t actively searching for a job, networking should be a part of your everyday routine. Through the right connections, your perfect job might just find you when you least expect it.


Contact Michele Torch at MTorch@TorchGroup.com or 440-519-1822.